
When you have an inactive office job sitting at a desk such as a front desk job, receptionist job, or secretary job, it can be hard to stay active and healthy.

However, there is so much you can do to make sure that you are looking after your body when you are sat down most of the day. We are here to keep things simple, with changes that are sustainable and won’t require much sacrifice from you!

Get ready to say hello to a healthier you with these 4 simple office worker tips.

1. Eat Breakfast For Focused Office Work

eat-breakfast-for-focused-office-work-to-stay-healthy-in-officeThe first tip is perhaps the easiest and is really useful in helping you to stay healthy, which is eating breakfast! If you don’t eat breakfast, you are far more likely to snack throughout the day. So, plan some healthy and filling breakfasts throughout the week so you can get each day off to a nutritious and healthy start.

There are so many great breakfasts that you can keep at work, so you don’t have to prepare anything in the morning. Here are a few ideas:

  • Greek yoghurt, low sugar granola, berries, and honey
  • Weetabix, milk, and banana
  • Protein porridge (oats, milk, and protein powder cooked in the microwave)
  • Toast with smashed avocado

Making the effort to get into work 10 minutes early and making a healthy breakfast is something you can do to help you stay healthy working in the office.

2. Have Healthy Snacks On Standby At Your Desk

eat-healthy-snacks-at-your-desk-as-worker-guide-to-stay-healthy-in-officeIf you find that you get hungry throughout the day, then you should have some healthy snacks on your desk that you can snack on to stop you from reaching for the unhealthier options as much.

Organic foods from farms like nuts, protein yoghurts, apple slices, or from the shop like protein bars, healthy bags of popcorn, peanut butter or crudites and hummus are all filling and delicious, to help you curb those cravings.

Finding a healthy balance is important, so you shouldn’t restrict yourself completely, but making some healthier choices throughout the day can make a real difference.

3. Take The Stairs In Your Office

take-the-stairs-in-your-office-as-worker-guide-to-stay-healthy-in-officeIf you work in an office building, one of the best things you can do to stay healthy is to take the stairs where possible. You might not think it’s much, but if you climb four flights of stairs twice a day, that adds up to over 20,000 steps across the year! When you are sitting down all day, getting moving wherever possible is important.

For those of you who don’t have stairs, try to get moving wherever possible, whether it’s getting up every couple of hours to have a good stretch or going out for a lunchtime walk. If you’re sitting down for between 4 to 8 hours a day, you need to break up your routine with bits of exercise. Anything longer than 8 hours you need to make a real effort to get moving to stay healthy.

4. Meal Prep On A Sunday For the Work Week Ahead

meal-prep-for-the-week-ahead-as-worker-guide-to-stay-healthy-in-officeOur final tip to help you stay healthy working in an office is to meal prep on a Sunday. If you don’t prepare your lunchtime meals in advance, it can be so tempting to order something in and make unhealthy decisions, when it could have been avoided. So, when you do your food shop over the weekend, decide what you want for your lunches (soup, pasta salads, sandwiches, etc) and then you can make a few days’ worths of your lunches. You can then do this again on Wednesday and you will be covered for the week!

If you don’t have time to do this, you could try prepared meal delivery so all the effort is taken away and you can just enjoy healthy and delicious meals that contain everything you need to stay healthy!

Final Thoughts

Making changes to our routine can be a challenge, so it’s important to make the effort to stay healthier so you can feel your best! Now is the perfect time to make positive changes in your life.

Author Profile

manuelaOnline Media & PR Strategist
Blogger and Educator by Passion | Contributor to many Business Blogs in the United Kingdom | Fascinated to Write Blogs in News & Education I have completed a journalism summer course at the London School of Journalism and manage various blogs.

By manuela

Blogger and Educator by Passion | Contributor to many Business Blogs in the United Kingdom | Fascinated to Write Blogs in News & Education I have completed a journalism summer course at the London School of Journalism and manage various blogs.